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Катерина Ейхман | Kateryna Eikhman

Artikel (6)

„Man verhandelt nicht mit Terroristen“

Lyubow war Grundschullehrerin im Dorf Balki in der Region Saporischschja, das nun russisch besetzt ist. Sie hat Bedenken, in ihre Heimat zurückzukehren, weil dort viele Verräter leben – denen sie nicht verzeihen könnte.

Ein Land im Erste-Hilfe-Modus

Kyjiw trainiert. In zwölf U-Bahn-Stationen sollen Menschen lernen, wie man Erste Hilfe leistet, wie man Blutungen stoppt und Leute wiederbelebt.

Ukrainian kids are going back to school; schools are prepping bunkers

Six months ago, the basements of the schools of occupied Bucha at that time served as a shelter for local residents who hid there from shelling. And now today, the educational process has resumed in these schools and their basements have been equipped to be a safe place to teach children as the school year begins.

OLENIVKA - Ukrainians demonstrate in Kyiv after prison explosion kills Azovstal POWs

On August 4, people in Kyiv demonstrated in support of Ukrainian prisoners from Mariupol. (Photo report)

Coming home… if there’s one to go back to

How damaged cities in Kyiv Oblast are coming back to life. Photo report.

"Save The Military of Mariupol"

On May 4th, a protest was held in support of Mariupol in the center of Kyiv (picture story)