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Fratricidal war


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“At the end of April, I met my brother on the battlefield. He disappeared in 2014 during the annexation of Crimea by Russia. We tried to find him, but we couldn't. He was thought to have been killed by pro-Russian separatists,” said a 44-year-old Ukrainian army corporal, who was not named for the safety of the rest of the family.

“So I found out that my brother is alive and fighting on the side of the aggressor, who is bombing Ukrainian cities with rockets and killing civilians,” the corporal continues. – We grew up together in the Vinnytsia region. This is a very difficult situation for me.”

The representative of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Vinnytsia region, Denis Zakabluk, confirmed the information.

He said: “Through our service, a soldier from Vinnytsia turned to his brother, who is fighting on the side of the Russian Federation. The corporal asked his brother to lay down his arms and return home to his family. During the war, almost every Ukrainian faced a similar situation, since everyone has relatives who are fighting in the Russian army or living in the country of the aggressor. According to our information, the corporal's brother may be a senior officer in the navy, whose ships are now carrying out missile attacks on Ukrainian cities.”

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