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War in Ukraine

July 11th to July 15th

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Particulary positive news:

  • The second major financial assistance package from the European Union for Ukraine will amount to 8 billion euros.

Other news:

  • The average exchange rate of the hryvnia at bank counters continues to fall and is 36.2-37.3 hryvnias per dollar, compared to 28-29 in the weeks before the war.
  • Iran is preparing to supply Russia with drones.
  • UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs: “opening the Black Sea route is our best bet to mitigate global hunger."
  • In Odesa, a man who spread pro-Russian messages on social media was ordered by a court to read works of Ukrainian literature about repressions in the USSR.

  • Russia reports that two fighters from the Azov battalion face execution.

  • Putin signed a decree on the simplified issuance of Russian citizenship to all Ukrainians.

  • In the Ukrainian-controlled part of the Donetsk region, trade in alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing substances is banned.

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