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War in Ukraine

June 27th to 1st July

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Particulary positive news:

  • The Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated the village of Potemkine in the Kherson region.
  • Ukraine has started exporting electricity to Romania, which is the beginning of a commercial electricity exchange between Ukraine and the EU.

Other news:

  • Production of passenger cars in Russia fell by 97% in May.
  • The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom Liz Truss stated that the complete expulsion of Russian troops from Ukraine is a realistic goal.
  • Russia offered for Ukraine to lay down its arms and surrender to end the war "by the end of the day.
  • NATO Declares Russia Its " Most Direct Threat.'
  • Moscow's military administration in Kherson has said it is preparing for a "referendum" on joining Russia.
  • New U.S. sanctions are aimed at Russia's defense industry and prohibit gold imports from Russia to the U.S.

Particulary positive news:

  • 17 Ukrainians, 16 of them military, were released from Russian captivity.

Other news:

  • Russian military fired rockets at a mall where there were more than a thousand civilians.
  • President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy states that Russia should be legally recognized as the largest terrorist organization in the world.
  • European operators have agreed to resume Ukrainian electricity imports to the EU on June 30.

Particulary positive news:

  • The United Kingdom intends to allocate up to 10 million British pounds to Ukraine for the repair of railway infrastructure and assistance in the export of grain by rail.

Other news:

  • The G7 has promised indefinite support for Ukraine and tougher sanctions against Russia.
  • Visitors to nightclubs in Kyiv were handed 219 summonses to military registration and enlistment offices.
  • Russian President Putin has plans to make first foreign trips since the beginning of the war.

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