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War in Ukraine

May 31st to June 3rd

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  • 44,000,000 square meters of housing and real estate have been destroyed.
  • 23,800 kilometers of streets and roads have been destroyed.
  • 6,300 kilometers of railways and locomotive transport infrastructure have been destroyed including 41 bridges.
  • 643 medical facilities have been destroyed.
  • 1,123 educational facilities and 621 kindergartens have been destroyed.
  • 19 oil depots and 19 shopping centers have been destroyed.
  • Red Cross says destruction in Ukraine "defies comprehension" after 100 days of war.
  • On 100th day of war, Russia says "work" in Ukraine will continue until all goals are reached.
  • Black Sea dolphins are being killed by military sonars, researchers say.
  • 20% of Ukraine is under Russian control. President Zelensky savs.

Particulary positive news:

  • Within the framework of the international charity telethon
    Save Ukraine -#Stop War the Ministry of Health of
    Ukraine received over UAH 6 million (~189,000 EUR).

Other news:

  • Turkey to donate the Bayraktar drone to Ukraine
    for which Lithuania had been raising funds to buy.
  • In the Kharkiv region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have
    already crossed the border with Russia in several places.
  • Reports say Russia did not allow any children from the
    Kherson region to be taken out of the evacuation corridor.

Particulary positive news:

  • The first modular town for those who lost their homewas opened in Borodyanka.

Other news:

  • In the Luhansk region, Russian invaders currently control70% of Severodonetsk.
  • Pro-Russian separatists in Kherson have announced atransition to the Russin banking system.
  • Germany will provide Ukraine with modern air defensesystems.

Particulary positive news:

  • More than 7,000 donors have donated blood in Kyiv
    since the start of the war.

Other news:

  • Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, the
    Security Service of Ukraine has exposed more than
    5,000 collaborators.
  • A French journalist became the eighth media worker
    to die in the line of duty in Ukraine.
  • Denmark and the Netherlands have refused to pay
    for Russian gas in rubles with Gazprom shutting off
    gas to the latter already.

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