Ein Unternehmer aus Odessa hat ukrainischen Streitkräften die genauen Koordinaten seines Landhauses mitgeteilt, weil russische Truppen dort ihre militärische Ausrüstung gelagert haben. Diese Truppen wurden in kurzer Zeit bezwungen.
I gave everything to the Ukrainian army: a weapons collection, all of my savings, my real estate and two cars. “I kept only a military uniform for myself”, the Ukrainian female soldier told KATAPULT Ukraine
Russland könnte laut Berichten verbotene Waffen einsetzen. Das berichtet das Asow-Bataillon. Die Informationen dazu werden derzeit vom ukrainischen Verteidigungsministerium überprüft.
In Irpin gab es starke Gefechte zwischen der ukrainischen und der russischen Armee. Die Ortschaft wurde stark beschossen und ist zu weiten Teilen zerstört.
A massacre of the Ukrainian population was committed in Bucha. Ukrainian media outlets have reported the discovery of 300 corpses with more being found every day. How does situation look in the center of the Kyiv suburb look at the moment?
In Butscha wurde ein Massaker an der ukrainischen Bevölkerung verübt. Ukrainische Medien berichten jeden Tag über neue Leichenfunde. Derzeit sind es über 300. Wie sieht es derzeit im Zentrum des Kyjiwer Vororts aus?
Sergei Perebyinis lost his wife, teenage son and nine-year-old daughter. His family were killed by mortar shelling while trying to evacuate from the town of Irpin near Kyiv
“Women were raped in front of their kids, girls - in front of their families, as a deliberate act of subjugation." Ukrainian authorities disclosed horrifying crimes of Russian soldiers in Bucha, Irpin and Gostomel
“A few days after the war began, we learned to distinguish missiles flying by their sound. Every time when the ground shook and trembled, we ran to a bomb shelter, knowing that shelling is coming”, Olena Shovgenya, 42, from Kharkiv said.
Thousands of people at the country’s railway stations are waiting to be evacuated to a safer place.
Volunteers of the Emergency Response Teams of Ukrainian Red Cross in different parts of the country are on duty around the clock at railway stations.
In the tents of Ukrainian Red Cross, volunteers help hundreds of people, providing them with first aid, first psychological aid, water and snacks.