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Menschen sprechen häufiger Ukrainisch

Die Menschen in der Ukraine sprechen heute deutlich mehr Ukrainisch als vor einem Jahr. Selbst der Präsident hat sich gewandelt.

„Die russische Armee hat 46 Menschen getötet, die ich persönlich kannte“

Nadja Jaroschenko hat ihr Haus durch ein Raketenangriff verloren und kennt 46 Menschen, die durch den Krieg in der Ukraine heute tot sind. Wir fragen Sie, ob sie jemals verzeihen wird. Ihre Antwort ist eindeutig.

Europa wird zum Rückzugsort

Die meisten Ukrainer:innen, die sich vor der Invasion nicht in ihrem Land aufhielten, lebten in Polen. Die polnisch-ukrainische Verbindung hat sich auch während des letzten Jahres gefestigt.

141 Staaten verurteilen Russlands Angriffskrieg

Einen Tag vor dem Jahrestag des russischen Einmarschs in die Ukraine haben die Vereinten Nationen ein Zeichen gesetzt. In der UN-Vollversammlung verurteilten 141 Länder den Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine.

Ist Bachmut das moderne Verdun des russischen Kriegs in der Ukraine?

Einige Fakten sprechen dafür. In Verdun hatte sich die französische Armee im Ersten Weltkrieg verschanzt und die deutlich stärkere deutsche Armee lange Zeit aufhalten können. Auch in Bachmut ist die verteidigende ukrainische Armee deutlich schwächer aufgestellt als die russische. Ein Angreifer muss aber etwa drei- bis viermal mehr Kraft haben, um eine angelegte Verteidigungsanlage zu überwinden.

Finanzhilfe für die Ukraine

Ausländische Gelder sind zentral. Gegen Ende 2022 ist die internationale Unterstützung für die Ukraine etwas zurückgegangen.

Wann wird der Krieg enden?

Die ukrainische Bevölkerung dachte am Anfang der russischen Invasion, dass sie die russischen Soldaten schnell wieder aus dem Land bekommen. Die Mehrheit ging davon aus, dass es nur wenige Monate dauern würde, bis Russland das Land wieder verlassen wird. Manche gingen sogar davon aus, dass es nur eine Woche dauern würde.Es kam anders.

Frauen in der ukrainischen Armee

Wir starten unseren Statistikmarathon über den russischen Krieg in der Ukraine. Freitag jährt sich der russische Krieg in der Ukraine

Mitglieder der ukrainischen Armee

Wir starten unseren Statistikmarathon über den russischen Krieg in der Ukraine. Freitag jährt sich der russische Krieg in der Ukraine

Wie gehts weiter mit KATAPULT-Ukraine?

Ein Jahr Krieg, ein Jahr KATAPULT-Ukraine. Was im zweiten Jahr passiert: Wir machen weiter.

A Blow to History: Ukrainian Literary Works Destroyed in Recent Incidents

The Russians continue to destroy the cultural heritage of Ukraine in the temporarily occupied territories. They loot museums and burn Ukrainian literature in libraries and schools. Textbooks published in the Ukrainian language are subject to destruction - this information is reported by Ukrainian intelligence officers and residents of the temporarily occupied territories.

Endloser Kampf um Bachmut

Der ostukrainische Ort Bachmut hat sich zum Hauptkampfplatz entwickelt. Experten sprechen von einem Abnutzungskrieg, bei dem einiges an die deutsch-französische Schlacht um Verdun von 1916 erinnert.

His story is in Ukraine, hers is with their family at home

While Tony is abroad as a volunteer soldier fighting in Ukraine, his wife Kim is home caring for their children and running their business. They share their insight into what it's like on either side of a conflict - for those who go, and those who stay.

The village which is 100% destroyed

Ten Ukrainian cities are already more than 70 percent destroyed. Another six cities are at least over 30 percent destroyed. Most are in the eastern regions near the front line. The longer the war lasts, the fuller this map will become. (Photo report)

Crossing the border into the war

A month before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Ukrainian state called on its citizens in Russia to return home. Rita was one of those who heeded this call. As the war began, she found herself caught in the first moments of the fighting while crossing the border between the two countries now embroiled in brutal warfare.

Innovating charity: a subscription to help Ukraine

After nearly a year of war, despite Ukrainians standing together and giving what they can between each other to help, international charity and awareness of the conflict has begun to fall off. A team in Latvia has come up with a modern solution meant to make supporting the Ukrainian military effortless. STOPIFY offers a monthly-subscription style donation for the price of a coffee.

92,4 Prozent

KATAPULT wird vorgeworfen, Spenden veruntreut zu haben. Das ist unwahr. Dieser Bericht gibt detailliert Auskunft darüber, wie wir die Gelder verwendet haben.

Ukraine is planning to begin liberating Crimea this summer

At the opening of the second summit of the “Crimean platform” on August 23, 2022, the president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy assured: Ukraine will definitely return to Crimea. From Crimea it [the Russian occupation] all began, and it will end.

Ukrainische Flüchtlinge in Deutschland

Nach Schätzungen des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) waren zum 1. November 2022 insgesamt 1.019.789 Personen im Ausländerzentralregister (AZR) registriert. Was machen sie hier: arbeiten, studieren? Wie viele von ihnen können Deutsch? Welche Perspektive haben sie überhaupt in Deutschland?

KATAPULT-Gründer Benjamin Fredrich tritt zurück

Mein Verhalten innerhalb des Ukraine-Projekts wird hart kritisiert. Einiges ist gerechtfertigt, einiges nicht. Ich ziehe daraus die Konsequenzen und trete als KATAPULT-Geschäftsführer und -Chefredakteur zurück. Um das zu verwirklichen, was ich angekündigt habe.

Ukraine's history is being destroyed, one church at a time

Ukraine is losing its churches at an alarming rate as Russia's invasion of the country takes its toll on some of the country's most significant historical sites.

Ukraine will 13 Prozent für Verteidigung ausgeben

Für 2023 plant die ukrainische Regierung einen Verteidigungshaushalt von 30 Milliarden Dollar. Das wären 13 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts und 44 Prozent des gesamten Haushalts.

Estland hat wenig und gibt viel

Estland hat nur 1,3 Millionen Einwohner:innen. Für das russische Nachbarland ist der Einmarsch in die Ukraine eine reale Bedrohung. Über ein Prozent seiner Wirtschaftsleistung investiert das baltische Land, um die Ukraine zu unterstützen.

Tanks, tanks, a lot

Ukraine has been in the market for tanks and, until now, had struggled to find a supplier to bolster their supplies. However, after a series of negotiations and some applied political pressure between allies, it seems that order will soon be filled.

Selenskyj ist heute 45. Biografie

Volodymyr Selenskyj feiert heute seinen 45.Geburtstag. Der junge Präsident, der als Person des Jahres 2022 gewählt wurde. In vielen Länder sind im letzten Jahr Biografien über Selenskyj erschienen und Katapult Ukraine hat eine kurze Zusammenfassung für euch gemacht. Was hat der Präsident der Ukraine in seinen 3,5 Jahren Amtszeit geschafft!?

Der lange Schatten des Krieges

Die russische Invasion der Ukraine trifft die Menschen auch dort, wo nicht gekämpft wird. Schon vor Kriegsbeginn zählte die Ukraine zu den ärmsten Ländern Europas, doch wie verschlimmert der Krieg diese Situation? Neben unzähligen freiwilligen Hilfsorganisationen unterstützt auch der Staat – mit den wenigen Mitteln, die ihm zur Verfügung stehen.

The War Crimes from Then and Now

For many, the Russian attacks against Ukraine are a thing of nine months ago. The 24th of February in 2022 feels to the world like the day on which life in Ukraine stood still. But really, this war in Ukraine has been there a lot longer – 8 years already to be exact. Anna Ilyshenkova has something to say about this – she’s one of the women who volunteered right at the very beginning of the war.

Am Ende steht ein Anfang

Die zweitgrößte Stadt der Ukraine war hart umkämpft. Russische Soldaten drangen bis ins Zentrum der Stadt vor. Obwohl Charkiw an vielen Stellen zerstört ist, hat die größte Druckerei der Region ihre Maschinen wieder angeworfen.

Ukraine is facing a winter energy crisis

As winter hits Ukraine, so do Russian missiles destroying the heating infrastructure.

Russia resumes rocket attacks on Ukraine, targeting the country’s energy grid

Despite the increase in their frequency, military targets have largely been excluded in favor of energy facilities and civilian infrastructure.

Ukrainians are Googling "How to shoot down a drone from home?"

Ukrainian policemen in the city of Kyiv shot down a Shahid drone using conventional service weapons.

Mobilization in Russia

How partial mobilization in Russia will affect the front line in Ukraine.

Echoes of Bucha in Izyum

With its sudden capture and quick liberation from Russian forces, the city of Bucha became the greatest example of the torture and looting in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Now the city of Izyum in the Kharkiv region has become the newest example after its liberation by Ukrainian forces in their eastern counteroffensive.

I had to hide from Russian soldiers in a couch

A young Ukrainian woman who found herself trapped in her hometown, after it was occupied by Russian soldiers, and spent four months hiding from Russian soldiers has shared the details of her ordeal with Katapult Ukraine.

How Russia losing Kharkiv might mean losing the war

Despite the Ukrainian army lacking the necessary weapons and 1:3 manpower advantage for a counterattack, Russia still wasn’t prepared for the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Pray for peace

Over 20 000 Hasidic Jews came to Ukraine for the Jewish New Year

How dangerous are incendiary weapons

Despite the widespread damage they cause and the extraordinary danger they pose to civilians, incendiary munitions are only banned for use in conflicts in a few specific cases.

Ukraine has a fallback option

When discussing plans to restore Ukraine from military devastation with the participation of foreign states, international financial organizations, and multinational companies, the time has come to figure out what the Ukrainian contribution to a project of such a large scale can be, as well as how to setup a construction site of that size.

Russian soldiers have voluntarily surrendered themselves in the Kharkiv region

The command of the Russian military had abandoned their soldiers as they've fled from the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kharkiv region.

Ukraine began liberation of the occupied south

At the end of August, the Ukrainian army launched a counteroffensive in the south and east of Ukraine.

Current grain deal not enough to solve food and price crises

The deal needs to expand to help Ukrainian farmers export new and old harvests.

Russia deported half a million Ukrainian children

The Russian military deported at least 555,128 children from the occupied regions of Ukraine to Russia, and introduced a simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship for Ukrainian children.

Ukrainian kids are going back to school; schools are prepping bunkers

Six months ago, the basements of the schools of occupied Bucha at that time served as a shelter for local residents who hid there from shelling. And now today, the educational process has resumed in these schools and their basements have been equipped to be a safe place to teach children as the school year begins.

Turkey seeks middle ground on Russo-Ukrainian war

Country’s domestic problems complicate its role as a war mediator

Ukrainian football carries on despite the war

Despite the war, the Ukrainian Premier League started their new season on 23rd August. 16 football clubs will compete to hold this year’s title as the best in the country.

Today is Ukraine’s National Flag Day

Since 2004 when it was introduced by Ukraine’s first president, Leonid Kuchma, Ukrainians have taken the 23rd of August to appreciate their national flag.

Europe’s biggest nuclear plant is now one of its biggest concerns

The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant which is now in the hands of the Russian military is on the verge of a disaster.

School during the war

The war has given Ukrainian parents anxiety about whether schools are safe for their children.

The last 24 hours in Ukraine

A daily update regarding the situation in Ukraine.

Why don’t all Ukrainians speak Ukrainian?

83% of Ukrainians believe that Ukrainian should be the only official language of Ukraine. 7% of the Ukrainian population think that Russian can be the co-official language of Ukraine – until February 24, 2022 that number had been 25%.

OLENIVKA - Ukrainians demonstrate in Kyiv after prison explosion kills Azovstal POWs

On August 4, people in Kyiv demonstrated in support of Ukrainian prisoners from Mariupol. (Photo report)

1,664 unidentified bodies were found on the de-occupied territories of Ukraine

The bodies were removed from mass and spontaneous graves, as well as houses’ basements. Some of the corpses were burned by Russian soldiers.

Juli 17th to Juli 22nd

A daily update regarding the situation in Ukraine.

Die Ukraine kämpft um die Ernte

Der Krieg hat die ukrainische Landwirtschaft nicht daran gehindert, eine gute Ernte einzufahren, aber es gibt große Probleme mit dem Getreideexport.

July 11th to July 15th

A daily update regarding the situation in Ukraine.

Kriegsopfer: 32 Journalisten wurden getötet und 16 wurden verletzt

Infolge der russischen Aggression wurden dieses Jahr 32 Journalist:innen getötet, 16 wurden verletzt. Das sind nur die offiziellen Daten; die Dunkelziffer könnte deutlich höher liegen.

Ukraine Recovery Conference 4. - 5. Juli 2022 Lugano

Zum fünften Mal fand am 4. und 5. Juli die Ukraine Reform Conference statt, welche angesichts der aktuellen Lage in der Ukraine und der damit einhergehenden Neufokussierung des Hauptthemas in „Ukraine Recovery Conference“ umbenannt wurde. Während in den vorangegangenen Jahren die Reformen innerhalb der Ukraine thematisiert worden waren, lag der Fokus in diesem Jahr auf dem Wiederaufbau des Landes.

As the harvest begins, Russia eyes Ukrainian wheat

On June 13, the harvest season began in Ukraine. Ukraine has already gathered 1.1 million tons of wheat. On July 7, Russian shelling started fires in wheat fields in two regions, 20 hectares were burned down.

Ukraine’s losses reach $600 billion

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has caused enormous economic damage to the latter. According to official figures, the damage to the Ukrainian economy due to the war has already reached $600 billion.

The city was full of corpses

A resident of Mariupol told KATAPULT Ukraine how she lived in the city, which was subjected to constant shelling for about a month, and managed to survive.

Juli 4th to Juli 8th

A daily update regarding the situation in Ukraine.

Odesa fährt die Krallen aus

An jeder Straßenecke, auf Zaunpfählen oder Mauern, im Stadtpark und in der Fußgängerzone sind sie zu sehen – die Katzen von Odesa.

21 civillians killed in Russia’s missile attack on resort village

On the night of July 1, the Russian Army launched a missile attack on the village of Serhiivka, which is located on the Black Sea coast by the city of Odesa. The shells destroyed a nine-story residential building and two recreational facilities. 21 people were killed in the attack. 38 people were injured.

Music between war and peace

Popular rock band Bez Obmezhen (Without Limits) combines free performances with concerts that raise money in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Renewable energy can liberate Europe from its dependency on Russia

During the last three decades, Russian gas has been a major energy source for Europe, and especially for Germany, Europe’s economic powerhouse.

Ukrainian troops withdrew from Lysychansk.

In order to preserve the lives of the Ukrainian defenders, the decision to withdraw was made.

How Ukrainian media are working in times of war

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, more than 60 percent of Ukrainian media outlets have lost revenue and have had to reduce their editorial teams.

Russia launched a missile attack on a mall

On June 27, the Russian army launched a missile attack on the Amstor shopping center in the city of Kremenchuk, Poltava region. A massive fire broke out in the building with over a thousand people staying inside at the moment of the attack. It has already been reported that 19 people have died, while the rescue operations continue.

Russian missiles destroyed her home, but a movie saved her life

On the night of June 27th, Russia launched a missile attack on the village of Mayaky, located 40 km from Odesa. A huge fire broke out at the site of the explosion. More than 60 private houses were damaged, four completely burned down, and 25 houses rendered unsuitable for living. Eight people have been reported injured, including three-year-old twins.

Heiraten im Krieg

Das gesellschaftliche Leben fährt in einem Krieg normalerweise herunter. In der Ukraine führt der Krieg jedoch auch dazu, dass Hochzeiten früher als geplant stattfinden.

June 27th to 1st July

A daily update regarding the situation in Ukraine.

Snake Island liberated

Since June 20th, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have launched a series of strikes on the island and have taken out a Russian transport ship.

Russia’s war economy: A disaster in the making

The country is to become a new Iran due to Ukraine's invasion and Western sanctions.

500-kilogram bomb on top of a roof removed by rescuers

The State Emergency Situations Service of Ukraine removed a 500-kilogram bomb from the roof of a multi-story building in the residential area of Severnaya Saltovka in Kharkiv region. The bomb was dropped on the city by the Russian invaders back in March.

600 million hryvnia in 3 days

On June 22nd, (his birthday), Serhiy Prytula announced the collection of 500 million UAH per week to buy three Bayraktars. On June 24th, the fund’s account had already collected 600 million UAH!

Aktuelle situation in Charkiw und region

Seitdem die russischen Truppen, welche in der Region Charkiw aktiv waren, während der ersten Maihälfte erfolgreich Richtung eigener Staatsgrenze zurückgedrängt werden konnten, hat sich die Lage im Vergleich zu der davor etwas entspannt. Doch wie schauen aktuell der Alltag und die Entwicklungen in der Stadt wie auch an der regionalen Front aus? Denn ruhig mag es vom normalen Lebens- und Wirtschaftsgeschehen her sein, aber noch lange nicht seitens Kriegsaktivitäten.

President Zelenskyy’s home city is under attack

The armed forces of the Russian Federation attacked the territory near the city of Kryviy Rih where Volodymyr Zelenskyy was born.

June 20th to June 24th

A daily update regarding the situation in Ukraine.

10 million euros donated in one day

The Ukrainian people are not only fighting back by joining the army; they're also fighting back with their wallets!